Tuesday, 17 March 2020

T M Telford Dairy fined £600,000 after 2 employees were showered in hot, acidic cleaning fluid

Yogurt manufacturing company T M Telford Dairy Ltd was fined £614,379 (inc.costs) after two employees suffered serious injuries following the release of an acidic cleaning solution.
The circumstances were:
  • The accident occurred when removing valves.
  • There was no risk assessment in place.
  • There was no safe system of work in place for the safe removal of valves.
  • The two engineers involved had had no formal training in lock-off and isolation procedures. 
  • Nor had they received training in use of permits to work.
  • The two men were  working on a faulty valve on a CIP (cleaning in place) system.
  • The valve blew off under pressure.
  • Cleaning fluid containing 1% nitric acid at 650C surged out, hitting the roof overhead and spraying the employees.
  • Whilst trying to escape from the acidic cleaning fluid, one of the engineers fell from a hooped ladder and sustained a head injury.

The HSE inspector said: 
“Those in control of work have a responsibility to assess the risks and implement safe methods of working and to provide the necessary information, instruction and training to their workers in a safe system of working. If a suitable safe system of work had been in place prior to the incident, the injuries sustained by the employees could have been prevented”.

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